Davenergy provided retro-commissioning services to establish baselines for altering HVAC and related energy using systems and their associated control systems in sixty (60) buildings, totaling nearly 4,000,000 SF. This project also required ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Audits. Davenergy engineers provided recommendations and technical solutions for the implementation of energy and water-saving retrofits, energy management systems, solar and wind energy opportunities, heat pumps, and combined heat and power systems. Davenergy worked extensively with the client to develop a template that provided consistent reporting amongst facilities such that Navy Medicine can compare facilities across its global spectrum and enter data easily into its EISA Section 432 Compliance Tracking System. Davenergy was the main interface with client in contracting office and the field, including managing submittals such as RFIs, as-built drawings, and customer-generated change orders, as well as scheduling meetings, training sessions, and punch list inspections. Davenergy authored a synopsis report summarizing the findings and detailed recommendations on meeting EISA 2007 goals and each applicable aspect of the High Performance Federal Green Building Sustainable status requirements. Davenergy provided project management and energy assessment/RCx support in all aspects of the contract and prepared the final report. Conservation measures identified resulted in 5,775 MMBtu, 249 kW, and $152,852 annual savings in energy usage and cost. This is a 13% reduction in energy consumption and a 10% reduction in cost for the buildings serviced.